Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory 2014 Leaf On Survey

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OT Collection ID: OT.122015.26917.1
OT Collection Name: Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory 2014 Leaf On Survey
Short Name: SC14_CZO
Collection Platform: Airborne Lidar
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Point Cloud DataBulk DownloadopentopoID: OTLAS.122015.26917.1
Raster DataBulk DownloadopentopoID: OTSDEM.122015.26917.1
Collection Overview: The National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) conducted a leaf-on survey of the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory (CCZO) area on July 30, 2014 (hyperspectral imaging) and August 5-6, 2014 (LiDAR). The LiDAR survey was funded by NSF award EAR-1339015; the Calhoun CZO is funded by NSF award EAR-1331846 (P.I. Daniel deB. Richter).

Hyperspectral imaging data were also collected over the study area and are available via the following links:

Publications associated with this dataset can be found at NCALM's Data Tracking Center

Dataset Acknowledgement: National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM), 2014, Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory 2014 Leaf On Lidar and Hyperspectral Survey, funded by National Science Foundation (EAR-1339015, EAR-1331846).

Dataset Citation: Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory 2014 Leaf On Survey. Distributed by OpenTopography. . Accessed: 2025-03-31       Copied to Clipboard

Use License: CC BY 4.0

Dataset Keywords: CZO, Critical Zone Observatory, Calhoun, South Carolina, LiDAR, Hyperspectral

Survey Date: 07/30/2014 - 08/06/2014

Publication Date: 12/10/2015
Total number of points: 3,073,165,690 pts

Area: 191 km2

Point Density: 16.09 pts/m2

Class 1 - Unclassified168,354,166
Class 2 - Ground371,983,669
Class 4 - Medium Vegetation2,531,857,043
Class 6 - Building738,561
Class 7 - Low Point (low noise)232,251

Raster Resolution: 1 meter

Coordinate System:
Horizontal: NAD83 (2011) / UTM Zone 17N Meters [EPSG: 26917]
Vertical: NAVD88 (GEOID 12A) [EPSG: 5703]

Units: meter

Survey Report: Reports

LAS Validation Data Report: SC14_CZO.html
Tile index in shapefile format: Download

Dataset Boundary in GeoJSON format:
Point Cloud: SC14_CZO.geojson
Raster: SC14_CZO.geojson

Dataset Extent (Bounding Box): North: 34.6732570007249°     South: 34.5371840439094°     East: -81.6433435651357°     West: -81.7858990291747°