DOI: OT Collection ID: OT.112012.26913.1
OT Collection Name: Silver Plume, CO
Short Name: CO05_Staley
Collection Platform: Airborne Lidar
Collection Overview:
PI: Dennis Staley, University of Memphis. The survey area consists of 2 polygons west of Silver Plume, Colorado covering a total area of 48 square kilometers. Portions of White River National Forest and Arapaho National Forest are covered in the survey area. The survey was flown and completed on September 29, 2005.
Dataset Acknowledgement: Lidar data acquisition and processing completed by the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM - NCALM funding provided by NSF's Division of Earth Sciences, Instrumentation and Facilities Program. EAR-1043051.
Dataset Citation: Silver Plume, CO. Distributed by OpenTopography. . Accessed: 2024-12-21Copied to Clipboard