DOI: OT Collection ID: OT.112012.26910.1
OT Collection Name: Golden Gate National Recreation Area and Mt. Tamalpais State Park, CA
Short Name: CA06_Dietrich
Collection Platform: Airborne Lidar
Collection Overview:
PI: William Dietrich, University of California, Berkeley The project area consists of two polygons totally approximately 28 square kilometers located 10 kilometers northwest of the north end of the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, CA. The project area was flown on Thursday, December 7, 2006.
Dataset Acknowledgement: Lidar data acquisition and processing completed by the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM - NCALM funding provided by NSF's Division of Earth Sciences, Instrumentation and Facilities Program. EAR-1043051.
Dataset Citation: Golden Gate National Recreation Area and Mt. Tamalpais State Park, CA. Distributed by OpenTopography. . Accessed: 2025-02-18Copied to Clipboard