Collection Overview:
This lidar dataset was collected as part of an NCALM Seed grant for Brooke Hunter at the University of Oregon. This study used airborne lidar to detect Post-Fire Debris Flow Detection and Erosion from the Douglas Fire near Grants Pass, Oregon. The study area covers approximately 60 km2.
Dataset Acknowledgement: Lidar data acquisition and processing completed by the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM). NCALM funding provided by NSF's Division of Earth Sciences, Instrumentation and Facilities Program. EAR-1830734.
Dataset Citation: Hunter, B. (2021). Post-Fire Debris Flow Detection and Erosion, Oregon 2020. National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM). Distributed by OpenTopography. Accessed: 2025-02-18Copied to Clipboard