DOI: OT Collection ID: OT.082012.26913.1
OT Collection Name: Medicine Bow NF, WY: Forest Ecosystem Impacts by Mountain Pine Beetle
Short Name: WY11_Biederman
Collection Platform: Airborne Lidar
Collection Overview:
NCALM Seed. PI: Joel Biederman, University of Arizona. The survey area is a 35 square kilometer polygon located 54 km southwest of Laramie, Wyoming. Data were collected to investigate the application of lidar data to models for water, energy and biogeochemical cycling in mountain ecosystems impacted by the Mountain Pine Beetle.
Dataset Acknowledgement: Lidar data acquisition and processing completed by the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM - NCALM funding provided by NSF's Division of Earth Sciences, Instrumentation and Facilities Program. EAR-1043051.
Dataset Citation: Medicine Bow NF, WY: Forest Ecosystem Impacts by Mountain Pine Beetle. Distributed by OpenTopography. . Accessed: 2024-12-21Copied to Clipboard