Teton Conservation District, Wyoming Lidar

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5069/G9F769GN
OT Collection ID: OT.062011.26912.1
OT Collection Name: Teton Conservation District, Wyoming Lidar
Short Name: TCDWY
Collection Platform: Airborne Lidar
Download and Access Products:
Point Cloud DataBulk DownloadopentopoID: OTLAS.062011.26912.1
Raster DataBulk DownloadopentopoID: OTSDEM.062011.26912.1
GE HillshadesopentopoID: OTGE.062011.26912.1
Collection Overview: This dataset was collected during the summer of 2008 by Sanborn on behalf of the Teton Conservation District. The project mapped 141 square miles of area within the Snake River Range and the Teton National Forest. The area covered is west of the Snake River to the Bridger-Teton National Forest boundary, and from Teton Village to Red Top Meadows. Extensive information was collected, including vegetation data for Wildland Urban Interface projects and floodplain mapping.

Dataset Acknowledgement: Data Provided by the Teton Conservation District.

Dataset Citation: Teton Conservation District, Wyoming Lidar. Distributed by OpenTopography. https://doi.org/10.5069/G9F769GN . Accessed: 2024-12-21       Copied to Clipboard

Use License: Not Provided

Dataset Keywords: Jackson Hole, Teton Pass, Wyoming, Wilson, lidar

Survey Date: 08/13/2008 - 08/18/2008

Publication Date: 06/01/2011
Data Provider and Roles:
Funder Collector
Total number of points: 955,085,925 pts

Area: 365 km2

Point Density: 2.62 pts/m2

Class 1 - Unclassified583,649,815
Class 2 - Ground371,066,902
Class 7 - Low Point (low noise)125,392
Class 12 - Overlap/Reserved243,816

Raster Resolution: 1 meter

Coordinate System:
Horizontal: NAD83 / UTM Zone 12N Meters [EPSG: 26912]
Vertical: NAVD88 [EPSG: 5703]

Units: meter

Survey Report: Reports

LAS Validation Data Report: TCDWY.html
Tile index in shapefile format: Download

Dataset Extent in GeoJSON format:
Point Cloud: TCDWY.geojson
Raster: TCDWY.geojson
Raster: TCDWY.geojson

Dataset Spatial Bounds: North: 43.631567°     South: 43.304104°     East: -110.782438°     West: -110.972947°