LiDAR Survey of the Malheur National Forest, Oregon

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OT Collection ID: OT.032012.26911.3
OT Collection Name: LiDAR Survey of the Malheur National Forest, Oregon
Short Name: OR07_MalheurNF
Collection Platform: Airborne Lidar
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Collection Overview: The survey covers areas of the Malheur National Forest, Idaho, and were collected by Watershed Sciences in Corvallis, OR and processed by the USDA Forest Service in Moscow, ID. Watershed Sciences, Inc. (WS) collected Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) data for the Damon Region of Malheur National Forest on September 15 and 16, 2007. The Area of Interest (AOI) covers 31,614 acres (north: 9,598 acres, south: 22,016 acres). The purpose of this collection is to use Lidar in support of natural resource research and management applications.

Dataset Acknowledgement: Proper credit to Malheur National Forest and Rocky Mountain Research Station, U.S. Forest Service.

Dataset Citation: LiDAR Survey of the Malheur National Forest, Oregon. Distributed by OpenTopography. . Accessed: 2024-12-21       Copied to Clipboard

Use License: Not Provided

Dataset Keywords: Oregon, lidar

Survey Date: 09/15/2007

Publication Date: 04/11/2012
Total number of points: 988,192,862 pts

Area: 128 km2

Point Density: 7.72 pts/m2

Class 1 - Unclassified803,458,280
Class 2 - Ground184,734,582

Coordinate System:
Horizontal: NAD83 / UTM Zone 11N Meters [EPSG: 26911]
Vertical: NAVD88 (GEOID 03) [EPSG: 5703]

Units: meter

Survey Report: Reports

LAS Validation Data Report: OR07_MalheurNF.html
Tile index in shapefile format: Download

Dataset Extent in GeoJSON format:   OR07_MalheurNF.geojson

Dataset Spatial Bounds: North: 44.2613279669184°     South: 44.0667353464914°     East: -118.934745645906°     West: -119.164997495396°