DOI: OT Collection ID: OT.022012.26910.2
OT Collection Name: Oroville, CA: Middle Fork of the Feather River, Sierra Nevada Foothills
Short Name: CA07_Yoo
Collection Platform: Airborne Lidar
Collection Overview:
NCALM. PI: Kyungsoo Yoo, University of Delaware. The survey area consists of one polygon covering 208 square kilometers and centered along the Middle Fork Feather River, Sierra Nevada Foothills, California. The area of interest is 15 kilometers northeast of Lake Oroville, California.
Dataset Acknowledgement: Lidar data acquisition and processing completed by the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM - NCALM funding provided by NSF's Division of Earth Sciences, Instrumentation and Facilities Program. EAR-1043051.
Dataset Citation: Oroville, CA: Middle Fork of the Feather River, Sierra Nevada Foothills. Distributed by OpenTopography. . Accessed: 2024-12-21Copied to Clipboard