DOI: OT Collection ID: OT.122019.2229.1 OT Collection Name: Kern Canyon Lidar Collection, CA 2008 Short Name: CA08_Amos Collection Platform: Airborne Lidar ---------------------------------------------------------- Download and Access Products: 1. Point Cloud Data opentopoID: OTLAS.122019.2229.1 Data Processing: 2. Raster opentopoID: OTSDEM.122019.2229.1 Data Processing: ---------------------------------------------------------- Collection Overview: Between September 2008 and September 2009, data were collected along the Kern Canyon fault starting south-east of Bakersfield and extending north to the southern end of Kings Canyon National Park. This dataset has helped identify late Quaternary deformation, and other seismogenic processes that are occurring within this section of the Sierra Nevadas. In addition, lidar derived topographic data was used for interpretation, analysis and mapping of floodplains along Isabella Lake, as well as the Kern River and its tributaries. For additional information about this dataset and related geologic investigations, see: C.C. Brossy, K.I. Kelson, C.B. Amos, J.N. Baldwin, B. Kozlowicz, D. Simpson, M.G. Ticci, A.T. Lutz, O. Kozaci, A. Streig, R. Turner, R. Rose; Map of the late Quaternary active Kern Canyon and Breckenridge faults, southern Sierra Nevada, California. Geosphere ; 8 (3): 581: 591. doi: Dataset Acknowledgement: N/A Dataset Citation: United States Army Corps of Engineers. (2019). Kern Canyon Lidar Collection, CA 2008. Towill, Inc. Distributed by OpenTopography. Accessed: 2025-02-18 Use License: Not Provided Dataset Keywords: Kern Canyon, Fault, floodplain, dam, Lake Success, california , lidar Survey Date: 05/01/2008 - 09/01/2009 Publication Date: 12/06/2019 ---------------------------------------------------------- Data Provider and Roles: 1. Towill, Inc. Role: Collector Url: 2. United States Army Corps of Engineers Role: Funder Url: ---------------------------------------------------------- Total number of points: 3,633,805,772 pts Area: 438.97 km^2 Point Density: 8.28 pts/m^2 Classifications: Class 0 - Never classified: 40,073,853 Class 1 - Unclassified: 2,387,253,466 Class 2 - Ground: 976,042,453 Class 6 - Building: 1 Class 7 - Low Point (low noise): 5 Class 8 - Model Key/Reserved: 225,621,906 Class 9 - Water: 4,814,088 Coordinates System: Horizontal: California State Plane Zone 5 US Survey Feet [EPSG: 2229] Vertical: NAVD88 (GEOID 12A) [EPSG: 6360] Survey Report: LAS Validation Data Report: ---------------------------------------------------------- Dataset Boundary in GeoJSON format: Point Cloud: Raster: Dataset Extent (Bounding Box): North: 36.7762358897289° South: 35.1799740847014° East: -118.302656090014° West: -118.752018358956°