DOI: OT Collection ID: OT.072011.32611.2 OT Collection Name: Landers Surface Rupture Terrestrial Laser Scanning Dataset Short Name: LandersTLS Collection Platform: Terrestrial Laser Scanner ---------------------------------------------------------- Download and Access Products: 1. Point Cloud Data opentopoID: OTLAS.072011.32611.2 Data Processing: ---------------------------------------------------------- Collection Overview: Tectonic geomorphic markers such as fault scarps of recent and historic earthquakes form the basis for paleoseismic studies that aim to understand the spatiotemporal distribution of earthquakes, their magnitudes, and recurrences. This terrestrial laser scanning dataset was acquired to survey a section of the 1992 Landers earthquake fault scarp. For more details, visit: Dataset Acknowledgement: Data acquisition was supported by NSF grant: EAR 0651098 Collaborative Research: Facility Support: Building the INTERFACE Facility for Cm-Scale, 3D Digital Field Geology. For full citation details see: Dataset Citation: Landers Surface Rupture Terrestrial Laser Scanning Dataset. Distributed by OpenTopography. . Accessed: 2025-02-18 Use License: Not Provided Dataset Keywords: Landers earthquake, fault scarp, Emerson fault, California, TLS, lidar Survey Date: 09/15/2009 Publication Date: 07/03/2011 ---------------------------------------------------------- Data Provider and Roles: 1. Arizona State University, School of Earth and Space Exploration Role: Collector Url: 2. National Science Foundation Role: Funder Url: 3. INTERdisciplinary alliance for digital Field data ACquisition and Exploration Role: Partner Url: 4. UNAVCO Role: Partner Url: ---------------------------------------------------------- Total number of points: 8,770,495 pts Area: 0.04 km^2 Point Density: 230.80 pts/m^2 Classifications: Class 0 - Never classified: 8,770,495 Coordinates System: Horizontal: WGS84 / UTM Zone 11N Meters [EPSG: 32611] Vertical: WGS84 (Ellipsoid) Survey Report: LAS Validation Data Report: ---------------------------------------------------------- Dataset Boundary in GeoJSON format: Dataset Extent (Bounding Box): North: 34.540168° South: 34.537267° East: -116.551679° West: -116.55461°