DOI: OT Collection ID: OT.042012.32611.1 OT Collection Name: El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake Rupture Terrestrial Laser Scan-Site 1 Short Name: EMC_TLS_s1 Collection Platform: Terrestrial Laser Scanner ---------------------------------------------------------- Download and Access Products: 1. Point Cloud Data opentopoID: OTLAS.042012.32611.1 Data Processing: ---------------------------------------------------------- Collection Overview: This dataset captures primary rupture features along a ~200m long stretch of the 4 April 2010 M 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake rupture in northern Baja California, Mexico. This dataset covers in higher resolution sections of the rupture captured by the El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake (4 April 2010) Rupture Lidar Scan. The scans were collected along the northern Borrego fault over a period of 4 days beginning 16 April 2010, 12 days following the earthquake. This particular dataset covers a section of the rupture across a raised alluvial fan surface where displacements are relatively concentrated along a single fault, with some localized antithetic normal and reverse slip. Depending on how the data is processed and visualized, cm- to m-scale fault scarps, fault free-face striations, displacements defined by offset geomorphic features and cm-scale alluvial fan textures are all visible. Vegetation classification was performed manually in an immersive 3D virtual reality CAVE. This dataset includes intensity-scaled point-coloring. Surveyors: Peter Gold and Austin Elliott, UC Davis Dataset Acknowledgement: Data acquisition and data processing and classification at the UC Davis KeckCAVES was supported by the Southern California Earthquake Center, which is supported by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). Dataset Citation: El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake Rupture Terrestrial Laser Scan-Site 1. Distributed by OpenTopography. . Accessed: 2025-03-07 Use License: Not Provided Dataset Keywords: Mexico, TLS, terrestrial laser scanning, lidar, El Mayor-Cucapah, earthquake rupture, fault Survey Date: 04/16/2010 - 04/19/2010 Publication Date: 05/04/2012 ---------------------------------------------------------- Data Provider and Roles: 1. University of California, Davis, KeckCAVES Role: Collector Url: 2. Southern California Earthquake Center Role: Funder Url: 3. Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada, Baja California Role: Partner Url: 4. The University of Kansas Role: Partner Url: 5. UNAVCO Role: Partner Url: ---------------------------------------------------------- Total number of points: 49,904,405 pts Area: 0.02 km^2 Point Density: 2846.15 pts/m^2 Classifications: Class 1 - Unclassified: 7,076,586 Class 2 - Ground: 42,827,819 Coordinates System: Horizontal: WGS84 (ITRF2000) / UTM Zone 11N Meters [EPSG: 32611] Vertical: NAVD88 (GEOID 09) [EPSG: 5703] Survey Report: LAS Validation Data Report: ---------------------------------------------------------- Dataset Boundary in GeoJSON format: Dataset Extent (Bounding Box): North: 32.4908554780898° South: 32.4889985783801° East: -115.626381609423° West: -115.628664365412°