DOI: OT Collection ID: OT.012018.32641.1 OT Collection Name: 2013 Balochistan earthquake, Pakistan Short Name: Balochistan13 Collection Platform: Structure from Motion / Photogrammetry ---------------------------------------------------------- Download and Access Products: 1. Point Cloud Data opentopoID: OTLAS.012018.32641.1 Data Processing: ---------------------------------------------------------- Collection Overview: This point cloud datatset covers a 5 km wide swath along an approximately 240 km long section of the 2013 Balochistan earthquake rupture in Pakistan. Point cloud data produced from 13 stereo data sets of 0.5 m resolution, panchromatic Pleiades images acquired by Airbus (funded by NERC, UK). The images were processed using the LPS module of the ERDAS Imagine 2013 software (version 13.00.00, Build 281). A pixel-by-pixel matching procedure was implemented with a window size of 5-by-5 pixels and a correlation coefficient of 0.3 to 0.7. For further details see: Zhou, Y., J. R. Elliott, B. Parsons, and R. T. Walker (2015), The 2013 Balochistan earthquake: An extraordinary or completely ordinary event?, Geophysical Research Letters, 43(7), 3134-3142, doi:10.1002/2015GL065096 Dataset Acknowledgement: Point cloud constructed from data acquired by Airbus Defence and Space (Pleiades) and funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NE/K011006/1), UK. Dataset Citation: Zhou, Y., J. R. Elliott, B. Parsons, and R. T. Walker (2015), The 2013 Balochistan earthquake: An extraordinary or completely ordinary event?, Geophysical Research Letters, 43(7), 3134-3142. Accessed: 2024-12-22 Use License: Not Provided Dataset Keywords: Balochistan earthquake 2013, Hoshab Fault, Pakistan, Pleiades, lidar Survey Date: 03/15/2014 - 04/05/2014 Publication Date: 01/31/2018 ---------------------------------------------------------- Data Provider and Roles: 1. Airbus Defence and Space (Pleiades 1B) Role: Collector Url: 2. Natural Environment Research Council, UK Role: Funder Url: 3. Looking inside the Continents from Space Role: Funder Url: 4. Centre for Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes and Tectonics Role: Funder Url: ---------------------------------------------------------- Total number of points: 1,821,390,716 pts Area: 1,280 km^2 Point Density: 1.42 pts/m^2 Classifications: Class 0 - Never classified: 1,820,093,408 Class 7 - Low Point (low noise): 1,297,308 Coordinates System: Horizontal: WGS84 / UTM Zone 41N Meters [EPSG: 32641] Vertical: WGS84 [EPSG: 4326] Survey Report: LAS Validation Data Report: ---------------------------------------------------------- Dataset Extent in KMZ format: Dataset Spatial Bounds: North: 27.5557958526486° South: 26.0390997640875° East: 65.7939724819964° West: 64.0785982265901°